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Step 1: How to Prepare for Data Submission

Before you share data to the ELITE Portal, you will need to prepare the following to support your submission.

Step 1.1: Submit a Service Desk Request


See the article on How to Submit a Service Desk Request.

As you prepare for submission, we recommend you Submit a Service Desk Request with us as early as possible - even as soon as you generate the data. Opening a request early helps communicate your intent to submit data to the ELITE Portal and creates a communication line between you and the EL DMCC to assist with any questions.

Step 1.2: Confirm data sharing documentation

All data contributors need to have the appropriate permission and authority to share data publicly (such as Institutional Review Board approval, informed consent, etc.).

The EL DMCC Governance team will work with you to determine which type of data sharing documentation is sufficient.

Documentation that affirms the grant principal investigator’s (PI) authority to share the data is required before data can be released to the ELITE Portal. This may take the form of a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) and/or a data attestation form.

Complete a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA)


A Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) between the data host (Sage Bionetworks) and the data contributing institution serves as a general understanding of data provider and recipient rights and responsibilities and needs to be signed by a Signing Official from both parties. A new DTA does not need to be completed if Sage already has a DTA with your institution, or if your grant award stipulates data sharing through the ELITE Portal. The EL DMCC Governance team will establish if this is the case before a new request is made.

Complete the Data Attestation Form (DAF)


The purpose of the data attestation form (DAF) is to allow Sage Bionetworks to apply the appropriate data access governance based on the nature and limitations of the data contribution. The form also asks the grant PI to sign and affirm acknowledgement of Synapse Data Governance standards and the Synapse Community Agreement.

Step 1.3: Organize your Data


See the article on How to Organize Data.

Step 1.4: Assemble your Metadata


See the article on How to Assemble Metadata.

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