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User Guide #4: Send Files to CAVATICA

In User Guide #1, we explain how to download files from the web using the Download Cart.

Instead of downloading files to your local environment, you can “send” the data to a data commons. A data commons is a cloud-based platform that allows researchers to manage, analyze data, and collaborate within the community, facilitating new scientific collaborations. The ELITE Portal is integrated with CAVATICA to provide this service.

The ELITE Portal and CAVATICA utilize the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) standard Data Repository Service (DRS) to enable researchers to access, combine, and analyze data regardless of its storage location. We create a unique mapping known as the DRS Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to identify each cloud-based resource on the ELITE Portal. This DRS URI serves as a reference link, similar to a URL, pointing to the location of the data. CAVATICA uses DRS URIs when we “send” data from the ELITE Portal to CAVATICA for analysis.

Users do not incur storage costs for the source files when using this service; they are only responsible for compute costs in CAVATICA. Members of the Exceptional Longevity Projects are also eligible for Pilot Funds on CAVATICA.

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