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Use Case #2: Download Files in Bulk Using the Command Line Client

In Use Case #1: Find and Download Files Associated With a Selected Study, we look at how to download files from the web using embedded tools within the portal. However, this isn’t the most efficient option if you are downloading a large number of files or files large in size.

An alternative to downloading files through the web is the use of programmatic clients that directly access files in Synapse, where portal data is stored. In addition to being more efficient for large files or large numbers of files, using programmatic clients also promotes reproducibility by recording which data were used for analysis.

Programmatic clients include command line, R, and Python.

An important consideration when determining which Synapse programmatic client to use to download data is download speed. The command line and Python synapseclient support multithreaded download, and will provide faster download speeds than the Synapse R client.

In this use case, we’ll focus on the command line client. The Synapse command line client synapseclient can be used to download all data and file annotations from the portal with a single command. This protocol can be used instead of Download Selected Files using Download Cart and Download File Annotations in Use Case #1. You still need to gain access to the study data, following Request Access to Files from Use Case #1.

If you want to use Python or R clients, follow the steps outlined in the Synapse documentation.

Download Files in Bulk using Command Line Client

Here’s how to download files in bulk using the command line client:

  1. Install Python 3 (the command line synapseclient is installed with the Synapse Python client, so Python 3 is required to install the synapseclient package).

  2. Install the synapseclient package following these steps.

  3. Login to Synapse following these steps.

    ⚠ If working on your personal computer, you may store your credentials locally by including the --rememberMe argument (shown below) to allow automatic authentication with future Synapse interactions. We recommend doing this to prevent accidentally sharing your password while sharing analytical code. In almost all cases, your Synapse API key is more secure than your password, and we recommend you use it to log in. Find your API key in your user profile—read more on that here.

    synapse login -u <Synapse username> -p <API key> --rememberMe

  4. In the ELITE Portal, click the Explore tab, followed by the Data subtab. Then, click the Download Options icon, followed by Programmatic Options from the dropdown menu.

    Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 1.48.16 PM.png

  5. The command synapse get with the -q argument downloads files from the entirety of the portal data that meet the specified condition. See the synapse get documentation for more detail.

    In this use case example, we want to download all geneExpression files from the ADAMTS7 study. To do so, we would execute the following command, which you would do from the directory where you would like to store the files.

    synapse get -q "SELECT * FROM syn26969078 WHERE (("study" = 'ADAMTS7') AND ("datatype" = 'geneExpression')"

  6. In your working directory, you will find a SYNAPSE_TABLE_QUERY_###.csv file that lists the annotations associated with each downloaded file. This is the same information that you can obtain through the web interface using the Export Table option from Use Case #1, step 7. This file provides helpful experimental details relevant to how the data were processed, as well as important details about the file itself (including the file version number).

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