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Step 5: How to Release Data

Once your data are successfully uploaded and annotated, the EL DMCC will go through several internal checks to prepare for releasing the data to the public. Some of these checks will require your review and approval.

Here is what happens to the data in preparation for a release:

1. Study page is published

Each study on the ELITE Portal will have a “Study Card” on the Explore > Studies page of the site as well as a “Study Details” page which contains the full study description, methods description, data use acknowledgement statement, links to related studies, and a “Study Data” landing page for all data and metadata associated with the study.

In preparation for data release, the EL DMCC team will publish the study description, methods description, and acknowledgement statement to the ELITE Portal and ask you to review and approve how the text looks on the portal.

2. Access requirements are applied to the data folders in Synapse

During Steps 1-4, the EL DMCC Governance team will have contacted you to review the use conditions for your data. From this, they will propose and ask you to approve the terms and conditions for users to access your data from the ELITE Portal.

Once the terms and conditions for data use are approved, the EL DMCC Governance team will apply them to the public folders that will house your released data.

3. Release date is scheduled

Data releases happen on the last Friday of each month. Any data that is ready (i.e. has completed all preceding steps up to this one) by the beginning of a release week will automatically be included in that month’s release unless otherwise noted by the data contributor.

Please let the EL DMCC know if your intake form and/or AD + EL Service Desk ticket if there are specific timelines for releasing your data. We will work with your team to schedule a future release date in accordance with the timeframe you provide.

The EL DMCC will send you a reminder of your scheduled release date in your AD + EL Service Desk ticket during the week of your release.

Example: August 2024 Data Release

Monday, 8/26

Tuesday, 8/27

Wednesday, 8/28

Thursday, 8/29

Friday, 8/30

Deadline for data to be included in this month’s data release

Reminder sent to data contributors included in this month’s data release

Data Release 24.8 pushed to the public

4. Files are moved from private to public folders

The EL DMCC will move your data from the private, Staging folders to the public, Released folders. Data in the Released folders will now be visible to the public on the ELITE Portal. Data will have your access requirements applied, meaning that any user wanting to look into or download the file(s) needs to complete the terms and conditions defined previously.

5. Data Release communications are published

The EL DMCC will publish Data Release Notes to the ELITE Portal News Site and newsletter to notify the research community that new data is available. Data Release Notes provide a summary of the studies included in this month’s data release.

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