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Step 2: How to Become Synapse Certified is the data management software for all data hosted and shared on the ELITE Portal. The data uploader, or person(s) responsible for uploading the data to Synapse and validating metadata, will need to register an account with Synapse and become a certified Synapse user in order to upload and annotate data in Synapse.

There are different types of accounts on Synapse. Complete the following steps to register an account on Synapse and become a certified user:

1. Register an account on Synapse

Go to and click “Register Now”.

Being a Registered Users allows you to create projects and wikis. Registered Users can collaborate with other registered users and create Synapse teams. Registered users can also download publicly available data and, if they fulfill project-specific Conditions for Use, they can also access controlled data.

2. Complete the Certification quiz

Review the Synapse Commons Data Use Procedure then complete the certification quiz. This activity ensures that you understand the rules and policies that govern data sharing on Synapse. The quiz is 15 questions and should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Being a Certified user gives you access to full Synapse functionality, including the ability to upload files and tables as well as create folders.

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